Broom & Moon

The Broom & Moon story starts with another, older story.

Once upon a time in 1962, President John F. Kennedy was touring the NASA headquarters. During the visit, he came across a cleaner sweeping the floor.
JFK stopped to ask the cleaner what he did at NASA.

The cleaner’s reply?
I’m helping put a man on the moon.

This is a story about the power of a clear, concrete and inspiring vision. A sense of purpose.

Just like NASA’s scientists and astronauts, the cleaner understood the connection between his small daily steps and NASA’s giant leap.

The connection between his broom and the moon.

At Broom & Moon, we exist to help you uncover a similar sense of purpose.

We’ll help you talk about your brand in a way that speaks to the head and heart of your customers, your team and your potential investors.

The result? Faster growth and a bigger impact. 

Who we are

Teresa North

A comms specialist with 27 years’ experience, Teresa has an uncanny instinct for identifying that special magic message that will resonate most with customers, employees and investors. It’s a talent that has won her the adulation of CEOs and other senior leaders at big name brands like Microsoft, Dow Jones and the Washington Post. 

Now, she brings that expertise to founders who are at that point in their scale-up journey where they need to be more intentional about their messaging. She’ll help you understand who you are and what you stand for — and articulate it all to the world.

Clare Lynch

Clare’s superpower is finding the words that perfectly capture the essence of a brand. Described by one of her clients as the smartest person in the room (and also the most direct), Clare is not afraid to ask the questions that will get to the heart of who you are, the reason you exist, and why customers and investors should give you their money.

Clare has a PhD from the University of Cambridge and decades of experience working with big brands such as Amazon, Sainsbury’s and the European Central Bank.

Our values

We’re specialists in helping organisations articulate and live their values, so we’ve obviously spent time thinking about our own.

Listen to everyone.

The most successful brands speak the language of those they want to persuade, whether it’s customers, employees or potential investors.

And never forget you can learn as much from the cleaner as the rocket scientist — often more. So listen, listen, listen.

Stay true to the research.

Sometimes, you’ll come under pressure to express things that don’t ring true. But stay true to the research and champion the voice of those you spoke to. It might mean tricky conversations when everyone has an opinion, but remember: we didn’t get to the moon by ignoring the research.

No. Jargon. Ever.

Never stop rolling your eyes at pretentious corpspeak and marketing fluff. Never produce anything that sounds like it was written by a committee. Remember, your value is in finding the words that describe what’s unique about a brand. No off-the-shelf purpose statements or table-stakes values like ‘integrity’.

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