• Are you ready for the next stage of growth and need to raise funds?

  • Are you expanding into a new market but struggling to get a foothold?

  • Do you need a punchy and compelling elevator pitch that turns prospects into loyal customers?

  • Are you hitting the conference circuit and need a TED Talk-style presentation to inspire?

  • Do you need to hire and keep the best? (Hint: today’s best want to work for a purpose-driven company)

  • Is integrity one of your values? (Seriously, we can help you do better than that.)

At Broom & Moon, we can help you uncover who you are, where you’re going and what you stand for.

We’ll help you figure out what makes your brand special and then we’ll help you talk about it in a way that:

  • inspires your employees

  • wins you customers

  • sets you apart from competitors

  • gets investors excited about your vision

Our approach

Communicating your brand involves three stages — any of which we can help with.

That said, the rigour we bring to the Uncover stage really sets us apart from other agencies. So the earlier you bring us in, the more authentic your brand story will be.


You probably already intuitively know what you stand for – you just need help defining it.

We’ll start by speaking to the people that matter: your employees, your exec team and your customers. Using focus groups, surveys and one-to-one interviews, we’ll help you understand how people are thinking and feeling.

We’ll help you answer questions like: What are we doing well? What are we doing less well? Why do we deserve to exist? How does it feel to be a part of this team? What do our customers want from us?


We’ll dig into all the research from the Uncover phase to understand not just what people think of your business, but how they talk about it. And if there’s a disconnect between your language and theirs, we’ll find it.

From there, we’ll craft clear statements that sum up your why, where, what and how, using the language of those you want to reach.

Once you know what you stand for, we’ll create you a visual identity that sets you apart from the competition.


Once we’ve helped you define your brand, we won’t just leave you to it. You’ll want to shout about it to your investors, customers and employees.

Whether it’s presentations, marketing collateral or employee comms, we can help you communicate your brand to the world.

We can also help your people bring your brand alive — through workshops on writing, presenting and storytelling.

Talk to us today about how we can help you transform your business by finding and voicing what’s special about your brand.