The secret to attracting Gen Z? Purpose.

“How many Gen Zers dream of working in a bank?” asks EY in a recent report. “Very few”, according to the authors. And if banks want to continue to attract the very best talent, they’re going to have to change — radically. 

EY recommends 5 actions banks need to take if they’re to win over Gen Zers. Recommendation number 4?

“Build authentic purpose and drive social impact”. 

That’s because 93% of Gen Zers say their decision to accept a job is affected by the company’s overall impact on society.

Here’s how the authors of the EY report put it:

“Sharpening the narrative around purpose and social impact is particularly important for banks appealing to Gen Z talent, as this cohort typically gravitates toward organisations they view as authentic or trustworthy. Our own research tells us that almost two-thirds (63%) of Gen Z feel it is very or extremely important to work for an employer that shares their values.”

Read the full report.

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The power of values: a brilliant example