Sapia: brand positioning for a fast-growing AI company

Sapia is the creator of an AI-powered chatbot that companies use to interview anyone who’s interested in working with them. 

The AI analyses each candidate’s responses to a series of questions and then ranks them according to best fit for the role. The tool, which is based on a Large Language Model, makes finding and hiring the right talent quicker and easier.

And that’s not all. Every candidate receives an AI-generated personality report summarising their strengths and offering suggestions for development. By putting an end to ghosting, the tool allows service-focused brands to treat their candidates with as much care as they treat their customers.

Sapia is rightly proud of its innovative technology. So in many of its communications, the company had tended to foreground its AI. 

But to fulfil its ambitious plans for growth, Sapia had to change the way it talked about itself. Specifically, it needed brand language that:

The problem:
a need for language that better resonates with potential clients

Better speaks to the concerns of its target buyer: the progressive Chief HR Officer for a brand where excellent customer service is a non-negotiable

Dials back on tech talk — to foreground the benefits of their product rather than its AI credentials

Differentiates Sapia from competitors by talking about the excellent candidate experience their product allows brands to offer

Does all this in a tone of voice that’s warm, friendly and full of heart

The solution:
tune into the language of the progressive CHRO — and the people they hire

From conversations with Sapia — and our own research into how progressive Chief HR Officers talk about their challenges — we identified several themes:

  1. the progressive CHRO is obsessed with building a sense of belonging at their firm — they want to create a culture where people feel they can be their true selves

  2. these CHROs want to attract people who can promote the brand by making a big difference to their customers

  3. candidates want a hiring process that makes them feel seen — and progressive CHROs want to give them that feeling

We created a brand language framework for Sapia that the company now uses in all its conversations with clients.

The framework included a What we do statement and a Why we do it statement, plus longer-form text elaborating on the two.

The outcome:
words that speak to the heart and mind of the target buyer

The what statement brings you the people who belong with your brand.

Every word in this statement has been chosen to resonate with the target buyer. For example, in our research, we discovered that belonging is one of their watchwords. It’s a word that captures Sapia’s ability to offer its buyer:

  • a chance to build a diverse and inclusive culture where people feel they belong

  • cash and efficiency savings from increased employee retention, because people are more likely to stay if they belong

  • the ability to create a sense of belonging before people start, by putting an end to ghosting and treating candidates with dignity and respect

  • a simple way to find the people who’ll best represent the brand 

From a tone-of-voice point of view, the alliteration on the bilabial consonants P and B conveys softness and warmth.

The why statement See the potential in everyone.

Again, every word has earned its place here. Everyone captures how Sapia’s product allows hirers to cast the net wide by offering an interview to anyone interested in the job. 

The statement also speaks to both the recruiter’s ability to see potential and the candidate’s longing to feel seen.  

These messages were supplemented by longer-form boilerplate that is now being used across all Sapia’s communications with potential buyers. is the tool that brings you the people who belong with your brand.

Sapia’s automated chat lets you interview everyone. And because it’s low pressure, every candidate gets a chance to bring you their real and best self.

The result? You see the whole person, not just their resume.

Sapia is loved by the brands where who you hire really matters. Where the skills, behaviors and values people bring will make a massive difference to your customers

It’s also loved by your candidates, because every one of them gets inspiring feedback based on their responses. Everyone receives an individual personality report that holds up a mirror to their true selves: their strengths, their work style, things they can work on. 

With, you can now treat your candidates like you treat your customers. See the potential in everyone. 

“Huge thanks for doing the most amazing work and for being there every step of the way. I can't recommend you highly enough and, in fact, I will recommend you to the WORLD.”

Barb Hyman, Founder & CEO,


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