Sapia: a TED-style talk to win over senior decision makers

The CEO of Sapia had been invited to speak at an AI Leadership Summit hosted by CEDA, one of Australia’s oldest and most respected think tanks. 

She approached us for a TED-talk style presentation on the theme of the event: how AI can be used to transform industries and advance the Australian economy. 

The audience was to comprise senior business decision makers — many of them potential clients. And, as one of a line-up of international thought leaders, our client needed a presentation that would stand out from the crowd. 

Our client told us she wanted to give her audience a sense of FOMO about AI. And as the audience was largely non-technical, she wanted to avoid overwhelming them with technical detail. Instead, she wanted them to understand the mindset needed to adopt AI successfully.  

We created a talk titled “Forget the tech, what about culture?” — a refreshing theme for a conference on AI. The presentation was sprinkled with FOMO-inspiring slides containing provocative messages such as: “The longer you wait, the more you’re falling behind”.

When we first presented the concept to the client, she had a two-word response:

“Nailed it”.

The solution:
a punchy and provocative presentation, supported by clean, simple slides 

The outcome:
a memorable performance that was a hit with the audience

The presentation was a resounding success, eliciting not just FOMO in the audience — but interest in our client’s business. Here’s an example of the kind of feedback she was delighted to receive:

“Your presentation was terrific at the AI leadership summit. And you had the best slides. I was very interested to know about Sapia.”


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