Tech firm: Nailing the messaging for a business seeking capital to fund growth

A fast-growing provider of technology to asset-heavy industries was seeking new investment. They approached Broom & Moon to whip their investor deck into shape. 

To fund its next stage of growth, our client needed a deck that would grab the attention of busy investors — and present their business in a clear, concise and compelling way.

The draft investor deck sent to Broom & Moon featured over fifty slides, most of which were extremely text-heavy, dense and jargon rich. The document had no clear “ask” and buried its message in long, technical product descriptions. The overall effect was to create a feeling of overwhelm.

We knew that to pique investor interest, the deck had to be much shorter. It also had to be completely restructured to tell a compelling story about the business. 

We began by cutting all the unnecessary technical detail on the products (admittedly, easier for outsiders to do!). We then restructured the deck to better bring out the key points that matter to investors, such as:

The solution:
a short, sharp deck with a clear story

  • The business problem faced by our client’s clients

  • Our client’s solution to the problem

  • Why invest now? 

  • Milestones, markets and evidence of growth

  • Competitors — and why our client is different

Finally, Broom & Moon’s graphic design team brought some visual flair to the deck, with clean and consistent application of the client’s branding.

The outcome:
A clear, persuasive story. And a deck our client felt proud to send out.


Dow Jones and the Wall Street Journal: a new purpose for a more challenging world


EE: Tone of voice training in response to a major brand refresh